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What is Unit4 Cloud Migration?

Unit4 have announced that they are de-supporting their Unit4 ERP on premise solution, this means that all on premise customers must move to Unit4 Cloud by December 31st 2024. If this wasn’t already part of your business plan for 2024, or you are looking for support with the migration to Unit4 Cloud then reach out to us today and we can guide you through the process.

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What is Unit4 Cloud Migration?
What is Unit4 Cloud Migration?What is Unit4 Cloud Migration?













What is DATE December 24?

DATE December 24 is Vision ERP’s cloud migration methodology. It is designed to de-risk your migration and to ensure that your organisation is ready to align to the Unit4 cloud template by December 31st 2024.


A three week assessment of your current Unit4 ERP solution to understand establish how aligned your business is to Unit4 Cloud.


Preparing your organisation for Unit4 Cloud from a people, policy, process and system perspective.


Now for the technical bit, transferring your database to Unit4 Cloud. Vision ERP will hand everything from end to end.


Regular system updates from Unit4, are fully managed by our support service, which cover impact assessment, application and testing.

Why contact Vision ERP

Why contact Vision ERP

  • You are looking for a safe pair of hands to migrate you to Unit4 Cloud, you want to work with a Unit4 Premier Partner who lives and breathes Unit4. You are in the right place.
  • At Vision ERP, we pride ourselves on the quality of our work and success of our customer outcomes, we are a Unit 4 only ERP Digital Transformation Partner and we are ready to manage your transition to the cloud.
  • To support our customers with the migration we have developed our own proprietary approach to compliment the Unit4 migration model – this is our DATE December 24 model.

Our Cloud Service Offerings


Our experts will assess how ready you are for the Cloud. We undertake a complete assessment of current Unit4 ERP solution and provide a roadmap to align your business to Unit4 Cloud.


Preparing your business for your move to Unit4 Cloud, executing changes to business processes, making adjustments to your configuration to ensure cloud compatibility before the migration.


The cloud assessment is completed, business is aligned and your ready to migrate. Vision ERP will manage the transition for you ensuring a stable migration and quality regression testing.


Moving to the cloud requires a new IT Operating Model, Vision can further reduce your overheads by manage the full lifecycle of your Unit4 Cloud solution including testing updates and rolling out new features.


Not going to hit the December 2024 deadline? As long as you have made a commitment to migrate and have funding agreed, we will support your on-premise solution for up to 6 months beyond December 2024 while you migrate.

Cloud resources

To support your journey, we provide expertise in the following;

  • Project Management
  • Solution Architect
  • Change Management
  • Business Analysis
  • Functional (cloud) consultancy
  • Technical (cloud ) consultancy
  • Test Management
  • Training

Please download our Unit4 Cloud Migration brochure for to see how we can help you.

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